Thursday, July 27, 2006

Castillo de Chapultepec.

This is one of the places that I want to go to before I die. I might sound a little dramatic. But I have always been fascinated about the history that surrounds this castle. When I was a child I was always drawing pictures of that castle, and I also spent a lot of money buying stuff that was related to what had happened in that castle. In case you don’t know why that place is rich in Mexican history I am going to copy from Wikipedia the entry on this article. And I will also post the link where you can find more about this. Hope you find this interesting.
Here is what Wikipedia says about it.
Castillo de Chapultepec and also read this, which is the part of the history that I was so obsessed with when I was a child:

Pirata wallpaper.

This is my latest : ) wallpaper creation. It's 1440 x 900 (widescreen). Hope you like it.
Alejandro y Mireya

Alejandro y Mireya waiting for their mom to get done working. Video taken with a cell phone, that is why the quality is so bad.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Iglesia de Guadalupe

Esta es la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Esta localizada en el centro de Piedras Negras, Coahuila. Es la primera Iglesia que uno ve cuando uno entra a esta ciudad fronteriza cuando entran por el Puente 1. Es la iglesia más importante de Piedras Negras, y a mi opinión la más bonita. También es la Iglesia en la que mis dos hijos (Alejandro y Mireya) fueron bautizados hace un ano aproximadamente, que fue cuando tuve la oportunidad de tomar esta fotografía. Posteriormente iré añadiendo más fotos de la ciudad fronteriza más bonita de México.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Our house is for sale.

Yesss! Finally we put our house on the market. I don't know how long it's going to take to sell it. But I really hope it sells very soon. Today, we also went to see some other houses. I think we looked at 4 of them. The first two we looked at were very nice. But let me tell you. The last two were very bad. Especially the second one, size wise it was very good. BUT, the interior was scary. Kind of like one of those horror movies. The ones were when you open a door something jumps out and tries to get you. I think back in its day it was a very modern house. But now I think it's time for that house to go and rest in peace.I hope we get lucky and sell the house soon and after that I hope we find the house of our dreams. And moving we'll start.

The joy of moving.
//being sarcastic

Thursday, July 20, 2006

New header!

As you might have noticed, I have made a few changes to my blog, again. This time was the turn of the header, the part where your blog name is. I always liked this theme (black one). But I had never liked the way the block name showed. So one night that I could not sleep I decided to start working on it. It took me a while, but finally I got it done. The hardest part was to make the letter of the title (the one that was before there) go away. I think it took me about two hours just to figure it out. This is not my final (blog title picture) design. I am going to be working on a new design for the header (blog title) when I get a chance. If any of you have any questions regarding to what I just did, feel free to ask and I will help you with what I know. Well I think is time for me to go to sleep, it's about 7 am now and I have been up all night. The good thing is that tomorrow I don't have to work.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Brief but intense.

Wow! What a storm we had today here in Rochester. Right about 10:00 am (I think). It did not last long, but it was very intense. It was so dark that it looked like it was night. Something weird happen here at work just before the storm started, our phones (cellular and landlines) just stopped working, then the radio just started playing static noise, and it all lasted until the storm was over. They way it all happened reminded me of the War of the worlds movie. I was just waiting for the big alien machines or whatever they were to appear, but as you might have guessed it never happened. Maybe I should stop watching movies too much ; ) I was at work when it happened but I managed to take some pictures of the clouds, and here they are. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rochester ranked 67th

Money magazine released their “Best Place to Live in America” list this morning. And Rochester, MN did not rank very well on the list. Rochester was ranked on the 67th place on the small cities category. I mention this because last night as my wife and I were driving back to Rochester we looked at the sign that is on the side of the highway that was put there when Rochester occupied the frist places to live in America back in the 90's, and as I was reading it (to myself) I said yeah right. Then my wife and I starting talking about how much Rochester has changed. I know maybe I have not been here long enough but it just doesn't feel the same. I know it is way better than other “small cities” but it seems that as the years pass Rochester is just becoming just “one place to live in”.

Here is Money magazine's Top 10:
  1. Fort Collins, CO
  2. Naperville, IL
  3. Sugar Land, TX
  4. Columbia/Ellicot, MD
  5. Cary, NC
  6. Overland Park, KS
  7. Scottsdale, AZ
  8. Boise, ID
  9. Fairfield, CT
  10. Eden Prairie, MN

Monday, July 17, 2006


My Angel.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hormigas malevolas.

Lately there have been a lot, but I mean a lot of ants invading our house. Anything, even the smallest piece of food that you leave on the floor gets taken over by the "malevolas hormigas" which means evil ants in English. I don' know why I did that, I just thought it sounded cooler in Spanish. Well, anyways, as I was saying, we have tried almost anything (not really) to stop them. But they just keep coming. It's like for every one you kill there are two that will appear. Like one of those horror movies that no matter what you do, whatever it is keeps reappearing.As you can see in the picture that I posted they are very small ants. But don't think that because they are small they don't bit. Oh, no! They bite, and it kind of hurts when they do. I am starting to be very angry about this situation. If you have any suggestions to get rid of those little "malevolas hormigas" let me know. ; ) Posted by Picasa

Relay for Life 2006. Rochester, MN.

This is Charli and Mireya getting ready for the Relay for Life. Charli was co-captain with a co-worker, Kelly but Mireya is a future captain. She even has the shirt to prove it.

Here is the link to the rest of the photos from the Relay night. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Salsa de Tomatillo.

This is one of the best salsas in my opinion. If you are into salsas this is a must. It is very easy to make, it takes about 15 minutes to get it done. And now, here is the recipe.

  • 10 tomatillos, husked
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 Jalapeno peppers, chopped
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place tomatillos in a nonreactive saucepan with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil. Simmer until tomatillos soften and begin to burst (about 10 minutes).
  2. Drain tomatillos and place in a food processor or blender with onion, garlic, jalapeno peppers, cilantro, salt and pepper.
  3. Blend to desired consistency.

As you can see it does not take a lot of work to make one of the best sauces. Enjoy it!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Hasta a mi me dolio el cabezazo que le dio Zidane a el jugador Italiano. No se lo que el jugador Italiano le dijo a Zidane pero ha de haber sido algo muy malo. Bueno asi el el Futbol.
No se, pero no me canso de ver ese video. :)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Para mis dos amores.

Can you hear it?

I know this is old news, but I just wanted to post it in my blog for future reference ; ) but supposedly this ring tone for cell phones can only be heard by teenagers. I guess the way it works is that as we get older our hearing starts to deteriorate hence we (older people) can't hear it.
At first I was like yeah right! I just did not think that was going to work, but as I am sure a lot of people did. I tried and guess what happened? I could not hear the ring. But then again my hearing is known for not being so good (ask my wife) By the way I forgot to mention that I am 31 years old, but then I tried it with my wife which she is a year older that me and to my surprise she could hear it. I was like yeah right, you are just pretending to hear it so I feel old. But then she described the sound and yeah that is how this is supposed to sound like. So I guess it works, but wouldn't it be much easier to just set up your phone in vibrate mode?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Superman wallpapers

bk 1024x768
Originally uploaded by Hugo y Charli.
Hi! Last night my wife and I went to see Superman Returns. I really liked the movie (a lot!) I was skeptical to go to the theater to see the movie. But after it was done I was glad I got to watch it. There have been some very bad reviews about this movie on some places, but like I said before, to me it is worth the money you pay for it to watch it. I am not going to go into detail about the movie since there are a bunch of sites doing this, but I will say that if you are planning to go to the movies, Superman Returns is the one to choose.
I highly recommend it.

Here is one of a few wallpapers that I made after I watched the movie. Hope you like them. For the rest of the wallpapers go to this page:

Saturday, July 01, 2006

No comments!

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Tinn's Philly Steak Subs.

Finally we got to eat at Tinn’s. After a few attempts with no luck in the past (not open for business yet) today we got to enjoy their “Philly Steak Subs” well at least that is what I had. My wife had something different but at the moment I don’t remember what it was. We got there around 1:30 pm and there were about 4 orders before ours. I am not going to talk (a lot) about their customer service since they have not been opened long enough to have all the system set up. But I am going to say that it took them a while to fulfill our order. One thing that I was not happy about was how my “Philly” tasted. It just wasn’t the same. Somehow it tasted different than their subs from the Galleria Mall store. But then again maybe it was just me. One thing I will say is that although I did not have a very good experience the first time we were there, We will go back again to see if anything has improved.

For more info go to their website:

P.S. I love their “Philly Steak Subs” from their place at Galleria Mall.

Se Busca a otro Asesino en P.N.

Bueno pues no se que esta pasando en Piedras Negras, pero aquí esta otro retrato hablado de otro asesino. Al parecer el pobre Sr. Efraín Urista Moyeda fue asesinado solamente porque grito unas malas palabras a los conductores de una pick-up que iban en exceso de velocidad. Según una testigo cuando la victima les llamo la atención la pick-up se regreso y fue asesinado por uno de los pasajeros. Que mal que pasen este tipo de cosas. Ojala que encuentren al asesino y lo metan a la cárcel.
Según una testigo, el presunto victimario de Efraín Urista Moyeda tiene entre 30 a 35 años, estatura de un metro 60 a un metro 65 centímetros, complexión robusta, tez morena clara, cabello castaño claro, cabello corto.Los ojos son café oscuro y grandes, nariz recta, boca mediana, labios gruesos, mentón ovalado y la cara redonda.Al momento en que se registró el asesinato vestía un pantalón de mezclilla color azul y camiseta blanca a rayas de colores.