Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Face of Jesus seen in baby scan

What!?!? You can read the story here: Jesus' face
I don't know, but to me it looks like an alien.
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Alejandro, August 2006

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

I deliver happines :)

I love my job. It's all about making our customers feel happy :P

Friday, August 18, 2006


And this is how Kikin likes to sleep. He loves sleeping with Charli.
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This is how Kikin likes to ride!!!
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Yes!!! Our house has been sold. It was sold last Sturday, but yesterday we signed the last of the papers. Now the fun is about to begin. Who does not love moving? I am just kidding. But soon we are going to have to start moving everything out of the house. We ar supposed to be out by the 31st of this month. I think we pretty much have everything done. Just a few more things and the process of moving everything out of the house will be completed. But then we are going to hve to move all that to our new house, which also closes on the 31st of this month. We re soexcited. We can't wait to live on our new place.
Pictured are my wife Charli and Heather (the best Realtor in Rochester). Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kikin and Rosa

And finally to end the introduction of the new members of our family, here is a video of them taken just after an hour of being in their new home.


This is Kikin. Kikin is Charli's dog. This was his first meal he had in our house. He did not finish all of his food. All he had was the milk. I guess maybe the food was to hard or maybe too big for him to eat. I don't know if you are able to see, but Kikin has blue eyes. Nice!!Posted by Picasa

Rosa and Kikin.

Today we gained two more family members. They are brother and sister and they are Chihuahuas. We named them Rosa and Kikin. Kikin was named after Charli's favorite soccer player in the whole world. And Rosa's name was Hugo's idea. He just thought that Rosa is a very nice Mexican name. Rosa by the way is the one that is looking at the camera in the picture. They are 5 weeks old. And we hope they stay with us for a long, long time. If you would like to see more pictures of the puppies go to the following page on the flickr site. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Escuela Secundaria Tecnica 5

Escuela Secundaria Tecnica
Originally uploaded by achtung501.
Mi Escuela! Esta es la ultima Escuela a la que fui antes de dejar Mexico.