Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Brief but intense.

Wow! What a storm we had today here in Rochester. Right about 10:00 am (I think). It did not last long, but it was very intense. It was so dark that it looked like it was night. Something weird happen here at work just before the storm started, our phones (cellular and landlines) just stopped working, then the radio just started playing static noise, and it all lasted until the storm was over. They way it all happened reminded me of the War of the worlds movie. I was just waiting for the big alien machines or whatever they were to appear, but as you might have guessed it never happened. Maybe I should stop watching movies too much ; ) I was at work when it happened but I managed to take some pictures of the clouds, and here they are. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:38 PM  

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