Friday, July 21, 2006

Our house is for sale.

Yesss! Finally we put our house on the market. I don't know how long it's going to take to sell it. But I really hope it sells very soon. Today, we also went to see some other houses. I think we looked at 4 of them. The first two we looked at were very nice. But let me tell you. The last two were very bad. Especially the second one, size wise it was very good. BUT, the interior was scary. Kind of like one of those horror movies. The ones were when you open a door something jumps out and tries to get you. I think back in its day it was a very modern house. But now I think it's time for that house to go and rest in peace.I hope we get lucky and sell the house soon and after that I hope we find the house of our dreams. And moving we'll start.

The joy of moving.
//being sarcastic


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oye hugo, porque te cambias de casa, ya no te gustò el barrio, o que?. Suerte en tu bùsqueda de nueva casa. Ojalà y encuentres la que sueñas. saludos.

12:59 AM  
Blogger Hugo's Blog said...

Hola antonio! Como has estado? La razon por la que nos vamos a cambiar de casa es porque la familia crecio y necesitamos una casa mas grande. Gracias por desearme suerte, creo que ya encontramos una, pero todavia vamos a ver mas. Saludos.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

12:13 AM  

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