Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mireya playing Mario on the DS

Mireya playing Mario
Originally uploaded by Hugo y Charli.
The youngest of my children has now started to play videogames. Here she is, playing her first Mario game. I don’t know if I should feel proud of it or not. I mean for some people videogames are stupid. For some others, games are the cause that we have so many criminals right now. Because video games make you do bad things, they say that if you play a violent game you are going to try to do the same in real life. I don’t agree with that. I have been playing video games for a while now. And so far I have not felt like going and shoot anybody or take my awesome sword and armor to go and chop somebody. I know many people that play video games and are good and law-abiding citizens. I mean how can you not tell what is real and what is not. I think when somebody commits a crime and says “oh, I did it because I saw it on a video game” it’s bullcrap. Well that’s my opinion. I know I will be letting my children play videogames. And I am sure they will know how to differentiate what is real and what is not.
Mireya Isabella, welcome to the gaming world, have a nice time!

Interesting site about the paranormal - Home of the Minnesota Paranormal Study Group.
If you are into the paranormal phenomenon and live in Minnesota you might find this website interesting. It has a lot of information about haunted places in Minnesota. My wife Charli found this site when she was visiting the TAPS site. It has a lot of pics and videos of paranormal activity in Minnesota. Check it out if you have a chance

Saturday, April 29, 2006

B&W effect from Picasa2

Originally uploaded by Hugo y Charli.
I am back. I mentioned earlier that I was going to post the other picture that I did using Picasa2's B&W effect. Well here is the picture (I hope Charli doesn't get angry at me for using her as my model)
As you can see this picture is not as nice looking as the one with the Dramatic Lighting effect. That is what I think. You might have a different opinion. Thanks for your cooperation Charli.

Dramatic Lighting

Originally uploaded by Hugo y Charli.
This is a picture of Charli having a Margarita at Azteca. I believe it was a mango margarita. Well, that is not the whole point of me posting Charli's picture. What I did to Charli's picture was to add Dramatic Lighting using Photoshop. It takes about 5 minutes to get the picture to look the way it does. You might say that you can do that in 2 seconds by applying a Black & white filter to the picture. But it is not the same. I compared this picture with one that I made applying the B&W filter using Picasa2, but trust me, the this one looks way better. I will try to post the other piture that I did using Picasa2 so you can compare yourself. It's worth to spend the extra time doing it with Photoshop.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by Hugo y Charli.
Lately I have been trying to learn photoshop. On one of the tutorials, they teach you how to make a pen and ink drawing from a picture. I chose to use this picture of a goose that was taken at Silver Lake. I have been having so much fun with photoshop :)

Thursday, April 27, 2006


This is the coolest picture of a dead fish that I have ever seen.
Enjoy :) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Back from E.R.

Well, we are back from the E.R. She ended up getting 10 stitches. It took them about 2 hours to get them done. She is home resting and watching (with one eye) her favorite TV show which is C.S.I. luckily she does not have to go back to work until Friday.
What a day today has been. Posted by Picasa

Charli's injury

Today was a very bad day for the family. Charli as you can see got injured very close to her eye. It happened around 12:55 pm. She was feeding her cats when accidently she hit herself with a stair railing that was sitting near the cats' water and food dishes. I was at work at the time the accident happen. But as soon as she called me I left work to take her to the E.R. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 24, 2006

Kikin helping to save turtles in Mexico

Mexico´s most promising striker, Kikin Fonseca, has an important message for you: Sea turtles are in serious danger of extintion; DO NOT eat them.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Things to do if you get bored at Wal-Mart

I found this posted on another blog. I thought it was very funny.

What to do if you get bored in Walmart

  1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.
  2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.
  3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.
  4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone," 'Code 3' in housewares".... and see what happens.
  5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
  6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
  7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.
  8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask,"Why can't you people just leave me alone?"
  9. Look right into the security camera; & use it as a mirror, and pick your nose.
  10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are.
  11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.
  12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels.
  13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through,say "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"
  14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream.."NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"
  15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and then yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!'

Friday, April 21, 2006

Sitio oficial de "Kikin" Fonseca

Kikin Fonseca / Sitio Oficial

Hoy encontré el sitio oficial de "Kikin" Fonseca. No lo he checado todo pero hasta ahora lo que he visto esta interesante. Lo más mejor que he visto hasta el momento ha sido la sección de fotos. Tiene de todos los jugadores de la Selección Mexicana de Fútbol. Pero también tiene muchas de el haciendo lo que a el le gusta hacer. Con lo que he leído hasta el momento (que no es mucho) a Kikin le gusta mucho todo lo relacionado con la tecnología. Y también que le gusta mucho interactuar con sus aficionados. Bien por ti Kikin (que bueno que mas jugadores de tu calidad fueran así) Bueno si tienen oportunidad por favor chequen su sitio. Aunque me imagino que ahora lo va a actualizar menos, debido a que tiene que estar concentrado con la Selección.

Cambio y fuera.

Huge List Of Great Flickr Tools!

Here is a comprehensive list of Flickr tools, and for those of you new to Flickr they have beginners information as well! The end all, be all resource for anything and everything Flickr!

read more | digg story

Slickr (Flickr Screen Saver)

Slickr is an OpenGL flickr screen saver that shows images by: user (favorites, set, tags, contacts), groups, or everyone (tags, recent). It can also display local images. For ideas on groups and tags, go to the flickr explore page at

read more | digg story

Thursday, April 20, 2006

FIFA Rankings The Official web site of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FIFA has posted the new ranks and Mexico is 6th place. One up from last time.
Here are the top 10 according to FIFA:
  1. Brazil (no surprise)
  2. Czech Republic (never seen them play)
  3. Netherlands (hmm)
  4. USA (What!)
  5. Spain (they are OK, I guess)
  6. Mexico (si se puede, si se puede)
  7. France (no comments)
  8. Portugal (tied with Argentina)
  9. Argentina ( are you serious? I'd say USA 9th and Arg 4th)
  10. England (haha)
Well, there are the new rankings. I still can't believe the USA is 4th and Argentina 8th almost 9th. We will see in 50 days.

Motorola V557

This is the cell phone that I am currently using. Is a Motorola V557. All I have to say about this phone is...Please don't buy it. This phone has been the worst I have ever owned. It's a joke. And to think that the guy at the Cingular store said this phone was the best one available. I know you must never trust a salesman, they would say anything. But this time I did not do my research on cell phones. Usually before I buy something (electronics especially) I do a lot of reading on comments from other peoples experiences with the product. But as I said, this time I did not. And now I am stuck with a phone that I hate. I know I could buy an unlocked phone to replace it, but I am not going to do that. So do me a favor and if you are thinking on getting a new cell phone, please, don't get this one.
And in case you wanted to know why I hate this phone, here are the reasons:

  1. It drops calls all the time (I'd say 90% of the time)
  2. Interference. It's so bad, that I have this buzzing sound in my ears all the time now.
  3. Battery Life.
  4. It changes settings by itself. Like if you have it set up on Loud and all of the sudden it just goes to silent by itself. Making me miss phone calls.
  5. Bad reception.

I could go on and on about why this phone sucks but I think I am going to stop here.

Posted by Picasa

Oblivion for the 360

Oblivion for XBOX 360 is an awesome game. I had bought this game the day it came out. I don't know why, since I am not a fan of those kind of games. Anyways, the game was there in my drawer just collectiong dust. But then I heard albert (from diggnation) saying how awesome that game was, that I decided to finally give it a chance. All I can say is WOW!, this game really is very good. Is so good that the first time I played it, I played it for 6 hours straight. I am usually a fan of First Person Shooters, but this game really deserves a chance. Play it and you will love it. So many thinks you can do, so many places to go to. I think that game is going to take a lot of hours from my life. I wish I had an XBOX 360 on my bedroom (my 360 is on the livingroom) that way I could play it everynight before I go to sleep :)
This game is a must have for the 360. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hello Shaylee! I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. And I also wanted to tell you that I l Love You too.

Friday, April 14, 2006

May 1st.

A day without a Mexican. I don’t know where I stand on this topic. Even though I am a Mexican, I just don’t know what to think about that.
I received a call from my brother two nights ago. Asking me if I was going to attend a demonstration here where we live. At first I said, yeah sure, but know I am not that sure. At first I thought it was going to be something local, but then, I turned the TV to a Spanish channel and they were talking about it. It is going to be a national demonstration. Anybody that is Mexican is encouraged to not to show up for work on the First of May, to show support for all the illegal aliens that are living in the United States. I don’t think I will be attending my local demonstration, and I think maybe a lot more Mexican are either. It’s just crazy. Imagine if you were the owner of a Mexican restaurant and all of your employees are Mexican. Are you just going to close the restaurant and loose money and probably customers? I mean, you have to be realistic. Who is the one that is going to take the worst part of it if you do that? The United States? No. You are the one that is going to suffer the lost. It is nice to see how united Mexican people are, but I don’t think is the best way to do it. Maybe I am wrong and it is going to cause an impact. Time will tell. Oh! And please, if you think in attending one of those demonstrations, please DO NOT take your Mexican flag with you. I know that you are proud to be what you are, but American people do not like that. I think I am going to have to agree with them. So please, go and buy an American flag and take that instead. Maybe that way you will accomplish more.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Hoy por primera vez escuche una canción escrita por el Sr. Ricardo Arjona. Que cancionon señores. No se, pero esa canción me hace un nudo en la garganta y me hace sentir llorar. No, no estoy tomado o nada por el estilo. Es que con todo lo que esta pasando ahorita en relación con los emigrantes ilegales. Todas las marchas que hay en los Estados Unidos para apoyar a nuestra gente, esta canción me hace más pensar en este tema. Yo también alguna vez fui ilegal, gracias a dios que yo ya pude obtener mi legalización. Pero desgraciadamente hay mucha gente todavía que no ha tenido la oportunidad de poder arreglado su estatus. Yo no soy un fan de Ricardo Arjona, pero ahora este señor tiene mis respetos. Sus palabras en esa canción son muy… no se como decir o describir lo que siento acerca de la letra de esa canción, pero lo que si se es que llega muy adentro. Sabias palabras las que tiene ese señor. Bueno, solamente quería expresar lo que siento.

En caso de que no haya escuchado esta canción, aquí están las palabras de esta:

Ricardo Arjona

Empaco un par de camisas, un sombrero
Su vocación de aventurero
Seis consejos, siete fotos mil recuerdos
Empaco sus ganas de quedarse
Su condición de transformarse en el hombre que soñó y no ha logrado
Dijo adiós con una mueca disfrazada de sonrisa
Y le suplico a su dios crucificado en la repisa el resguardo de los suyos
Y perforo la frontera como pudo
Si la luna suave se desliza por cualquier cornisa sin permiso alguno
Por que el mojado precisa comprobar con visas que no es de neptuno

El mojado tiene ganas de secarse
El mojado esta mojado por las lágrimas que bota la nostalgia
El mojado, el indocumentado carga el bulto que el legal no cargaría ni obligado
El suplicio de un papel lo ha convertido un fugitivo
Y no es de aquí porque su nombre no aparece en los archivos
Ni es de allá porque se fue
Si la luna suave se desliza por cualquier cornisa sin permiso alguno
Por que el mojado precisa comprobar con visas que no es de neptuno

Mojado sabe a mentira tu verdad sabe a tristeza la ansiedad
De ver un freeway y sonar con la vereda que conduce hasta tú casa
Mojado mojado de tanto llorar sabiendo que en algún lugar espera un beso haciendo pausa desde el día en que te marchaste

Si la luna suave se desliza por cualquier cornisa sin permiso alguno
Por que el mojado precisa comprobar con visas que no es de neptuno
Si la visa universal se extiende el día en que nacemos
Y caduca en la muerte
Por que te persiguen mojado

Si el cónsul de los cielos ya te dio permiso.

Como lo ven señores, esta canción es un cancionononon. Los que estamos aquí o los que han estado aquí en los Estados Unidos comprenderá lo que siento.


Cambio y fuera.

Monday, April 10, 2006

XBOX 360 gamerscore: 1185

Well, after moths trying to pass the 1000 mark, I have finally managed to do it. It took me about 4 months to get there. I know it's not a lot, but with the time I have available to play, it is a big number for me. Well, I played many games to get that many points, but the ones that I played the most were Ghost Recon: Advanced Wars and FIFA: Road to the world cup or something like that. I know a lot of people think that the FIFA series suck, specially the version for XBOX 360, but I really liked it. Well, maybe not really, really liked it, but it is the only futbol or should I say soccer game available for the 360. Ghost Recon is an awesome game. To me it's the best game available for the 360. It's soooo beautiful. I have always loved the Ghost Recon Series. I always play them from the beginning to the end. And then play them again. And this time it was the best because the Ghosts are in Mexico City. I have never been in Mexico City but people that live there have told me that the developers of the game really paid attention to all the details. Every building, every street, everything is identical to how it is in the city. I really recommend this game. The best one so far for XBOX 360 like I mentioned earlier. Right now I am playing Condemned: Criminal Origins, also for the 360. I think I must be more than half way thru; it's a good game also. Nice graphics, interesting story and a little bit scary. Well, I don't know when I will reach the 2000 mark, but right now I am happy that I passed 1000. I thought I was never going to be able to but I am there now. Love the 360.

Mall de las Aguilas. Eagle Pass, Texas.

Hola, I was organizing all of my 2,000,000,000 pictures that I have in my laptop when I found this one. I like it. I don't know why but I do. This is a picture of my wife Charli and me. It was taken in the Mall de las Aguilas in Eagle Pass, Texas. Eagle Pass is a border town. South of Eagle Pass is Piedras Negras. Piedras Negras is the most beautiful city on the whole world. Just kidding. Not really, but I said that because Piedras Negras is the place where I was born and lived there for about 18 years. I don't know what population Eagle Pass has, but I know is way smaller that Piedras Negras. I remember that when I was a kid we used to go to Eagle Pass to do our shopping, I don't know why, it doesn't make sense since you used to be able to shop in Piedras Negras and save a lot of money. But then again food and groceries are better here in the U.S. than Mexico. There is a better quality control compared to little or none in Mexico. I don't know if I have any more pictures of the interior of the mall. I will look and if I find any I'll post them later. So without anything more to say, I say... see you later! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Kumbia Kings Live!

Kumbia Kings have released their new album. It is titled Kumbia Kings Live. So far I have seen this album on iTunes only, which is where I got it from. In the album there are 16 songs, which 15 were recorded live in Monterrey, Mexico. The one that was not recorded live is Pachuco, which is a very popular song in Mexico. The album is good; it has a good selection of songs. And is nice to hear them live, although it would be nicer to actually be in one of their concerts. Oh well, someday. I don't know if they will be releasing a DVD version of it, it would be nice if they do. Overall I give this album a 4 out of 5. I strongly recommend it. Actually, I order you to go and buy it right now. :)
Cambio y fuera.

Kumbia Kings picture from
Please contact me if you would like this picture removed.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Cruz Azul

Hey, this is Hugo's wife for those of you who happen to be reading this. I love Cruz Azul! Kikin Fonseca and Joel Huiqui are the greatest! It is always fun to watch a soccer game with good eye candy. Ha ha! I could care less if that obnoxious Blanco goes with the Mexican team to Germany. He needs some anger management classes.

My honey and I listen to Michael and Fonda on a podcast. They are hilarious! I work as an Oncology nurse and can always use a good laugh.

Rochester continues to be dark, wet and gloomy. I hope sunny spring shows up soon!

Later ~ Charli

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Trip to Edina, MN

Today my wife and I had to go the Edina, MN. On the way back we stopped at this Mexican Restaurant called El Burrito. El Burrito is located in Bloomington. Besides the restaurant in that building there is also a small grocery store that sells mexican products.
This is what we had for lunch. It's a torta de carnitas with it is a side of guacamole. Both of us had the same. Although not cheap the food was good. We paid about $20.00 for both of our Torta platter and sodas.

It was an OK trip. We did not do much up there but the weather also was not very good. It rained all the way back to Rochester. Posted by Picasa

Cuauhtemoc Blanco?

Hola. Hace dias el Sr. Lavolpe D.T. de la Seleccion Mexicana dio a conocer la lista de los jugadores que iran a representar a Mexico en el Mudial. Esa noche mire el programa deportivo de Televisa, La Jugada y la mayoria de los comentaristas estaban en desacuerdo con el Sr. Lavolpe porque no habia convocado a el jugador del America Cuauhtemoc Blanco. Al dia siguiente estaba checando los websites y y en la seccion de deportes, en los dos websites no hablaban mas que de lo no convocatoria de Cuahutemoc Blanco. No lo podia creer, habia tanto, pero tanto enojo por no haberlo convocado que me puso a pensar. Mi opinion en este tema es que creo que el Sr. Lavolpe primeramente tiene que tener el apoyo de todos los mexicanos, no creo que Blanco sea necesario para la Seleccion Mexicana. A lo mejor Blanco podria haber sido llevado porque este Mundial porque es el ultimo al que el podria haber asistido, pero llevarlo porque es el "mejor" jugador de Mexico como algunos opinan de el, NO. Bueno esa es mi opinion. Yo apoyo a Ricardo Lavolpe y su decision. Nos vaya bien o nos vaya mal en el mundial yo apoyo a mi seleccion y a su Director Tecnico. Vamos Mexico!

1440 x 900 wallpaper

This is a Mexican themed 1440 x 900 (widescreen) wallpaper that I made while I was at work today (I was bored). I think this is just a link where you can find the original size one. i don't know, this is the first time I am doing these so bear with me. I will check it after I post it just to make sure it is working. Posted by Picasa

Mall of America

Mall of America
Originally uploaded by Hugo y Charli.
Mireya and I at the UnderWater World. She was very excited. It was the first time she got to see and feel fishes.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Este es mi blog.

Hola a todos y a todas. Bienvenidos a mi blog. Aqui estare posteando cosas que pasan a mi alrededor.