Friday, June 30, 2006

Recordar es volver a vivir.

No se porque pero cuando encontré esta foto en esta pagina me hizo recordar los tiempos de cuando yo era niño. A pesar de que nunca fui un fanático de la Lucha Libre Mexicana si me gustaba mucho jugar con esas mascaras coloridas, además de esos "monitos" de plástico que traían su capa. Una de mis mascaras favoritas era la de Huracán Ramírez. Y uno de mis luchadores favoritos era Blue Demon. Que nostalgia me da. Como me gustaría poder regresar el tiempo y volver a esa época de mi infancia. Bueno es tiempo de despertar y volver a la realidad. Como se van los anos tan rápido.
Por eso se dice que:
"Recordar es volver a vivir"
 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Se Busca Asesino en Piedras Negras.

Retrato hablado de Asesino de acuerdo a una testigo.

De acuerdo a la descripción de la testigo, el presunto asesino es de tez morena, complexión regular, de 43 a 44 años de edad, aproximadamente.
Estatura de un metro 60 a uno 65 centímetros, peso aproximado a los 70 kilos y el cabello entrecano.
El retrato hablado tiene un 80 por ciento de similitud con el presunto asesino, de acuerdo a lo que señaló el delegado.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Francisco "Kikin" Fonseca


Here are some pictures of one of the best player of the world. Kikin!!!
Charli this pictures are for you. I found them on Flickr.
Hope you like them

You can find more pictures of La Seleccion Mexicana here:
Mundial Alemania 2006

Gracias a the hipster be-bop junkie por haberme dejado usar sus fotos.
Thanks to hipster be-bop junkie for letting me use his pictures

Rah, Rah, Rochester.

Wow! I don’t know what to think about Rochester’s new slogan. Actually I think one word came to my mind the first time I heard about our new slogan. And that word is… LAME!

I mean seriously how or better yet WHO came up with that? Why couldn’t they come up with something better? I don’t think is that hard. Is it?

Maybe I could help make Rah, Rah better. O.K. here is the new Rah, Rah improved by me : )

“Chiqui ti bum a la bim bomba, chiqui ti bum a la bim bomba, a la bio alabao a la bim bomba, ROCHESTER..ROCHESTER..RAH,RAH,RAH!!!!" (Just kidding)

But I was not kidding when I called Rah, Rah, Rochester slogan LAME.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Moving is a huge pain in the ass. It causes a lot of stress. I am so tired of packing, cleaning and painting. I like the house we are in but it is too small. I bought the house after my divorce and I had to save for about a year then I bought this house. It was my way to prove I could make it on my own. It means a lot to me. There was me and my two kids but now my family has grown to twice that size. It is just too small so we have to move. I hope the house sells in a reasonable amount of time and we find a good house.
I am so tired from all the work and I am so stressed. I worry about this and that. I can't wait til this is all over. That is it for now. Adios.
By: Charli.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

No se pudo.

El Mundial termino hoy para México. Y aunque no pude ver el partido, si lo leí jugada por jugada por medio de y juzgando con los comentarios que había en el Chat, siento que México hizo muy buen juego. Pero otra vez como siempre, “Ya Merito” pasábamos a los octavos de final. Y ya nos queda nada más que esperar a ver que pasa con el D.T. Ricardo Lavolpe. Creen que después de una actuación no muy buena de la Selección Mexicana y de todo lo que ha pasado todavía lo dejen como Director Técnico de la Selección?

Bueno, pues ahora no hay nada mas que esperar cuatro anos mas para ver si ahora si se puede llegar mas lejos. No me siento tan mal y espero que ustedes tampoco. Aunque me hubiera gustado que la selección hubiera podido haber hecho mas, no siempre se puede y pues creo yo que ya deberíamos estar acostumbrados a el “Ya Merito”.

New Design!

Hi! I have been playing with different templates for blogger that I found on the net. I really love this one that I got from I hope it works fine, some people ave been reporting problems when using this template. The only thing that I have noticed is that when using Internet Explorer (Microsoft's browser) The name of the blog (where it says hugo's blog) does not appeat completly. But with Safari (Apple's Browser), Firefox and Flock it works fine. I don't know about Opera since I have not used it for a while. I will try to donwload it and install it later to see how it shows with it. And I will also look to see if I can find out why with Internet Explorer shows that way. But that will be some other day sine right now is about 4:17 am and it's kind of late already.

What do you think about the new way my blog looks? Do you like it?
Let me now.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Rochester Fest Webcam

I just found this webcam on the Post-Bulletin website. I think it's kind of cool because you can see what is going on there. I have not been there yet and I don't think I am going to be going this year again. I think I have been there only twice since Rochester started having it. My complaint... PRICES. Prices are sooooo high. I know some people do not think the same way, but I am not going to waste my money buying some JUNKY GREASY SMELLY food, when I could be eating something healthier for the same price or maybe even cheaper. But like I said that is just me (and a few people I have talked to).
Well, I just wanted to let you know about the webcam. Hope you enjoy it. I will! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 22, 2006

July 14 Relay for Life

Relay for Life is a great fund raising activity for the American Cancer Society. As an Oncology nurse, I am passionate about raising money for the research needed to obliterate cancer. My unit at work has been participating at the Relay since I started there 7 years ago. I have been captain/ co-captain 5 of those years. One of our fund raisers is the raffling off of baskets. The baskets are put together and donated by staff members on my unit. All the proceeds for the raffle tickets go to the American Cancer Society. I will continue to participate in the Relay for Life in some form until I am no longer physically able or cancer has a cure. Every dollar and cent counts. I encourage anyone who has been touched by cancer either personally, loved one, or close friend, to do what they can to support cancer awareness and research. Support comes in many forms. One can donate money by donation or something fun like the basket raffles. One can volunteer at activities like the Relay or Cancer Survivor Day. Actions as simple as encouraging awareness and detection can be a great form of support. So I challenge everyone to find some way to support cancer research. If you would like to buy raffle tickets from me and my team, please contact me. Thank you. Charli Lopez (Hugo's wife)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Awesome news!!

Coffee may reduce risk of liver cirrhosis - Houston Chronicle

Medical News Today (press release)
Coffee may reduce risk of liver cirrhosis
Houston Chronicle?- 17 minutes ago
Drinking coffee may protect against the type of liver disease caused by excessive alcohol intake, researchers have found. In a population of more than 125,000 members of a prepaid health-care plan, scientists ...
Foul drinking! Malaysia Star
Bru Direct?- all 5 related

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Scientists produce flatulence-free beans

Here is a note that I thought was interesting. I know my wife will be happy : )


CARACAS, Venezuela -- Scientists in Venezuela said they have invented a new user-friendly bean that produces no gas.The team of scientists from Simon Bolivar University in the capital of Caracas said they have discovered a way to remove the agents in beans that cause gas.The process also increases the legume's nutritional value by 97 percent, the scientists said. - Local News - Scientists Produce Flatulence-Free Beans


Kitten vs Frontrow (by mattcoats)

This is Robot, Matt Coats kitten. She likes Frontrow a lot. Be her friend at

Author: knutmo
Keywords: Apple powerbook macbook frontrow cat kitten
Added: June 1, 2006

Wow! I don't know what to say about this, but I know that I would not let my cat or any other animals play with my mac. Am I being too paranoic?? Well, anyways enjoy the video.

Charli I think you will like it : )


Flock — The web browser for you and your friends

Hola a todos y a todas como estan? Me imagino que muy ocupados viendo los juegos de el mundial. Bueno a lo mejor ustedes no, pero yo si he estado viendo todos los juegos de la Copa. Bueno nadamas queria recomendar este nuevo browser que se llama Flock. Basicamente es como un derivado (no se si sea la descripcion correcta) de Firefox, que como todos sabemos es el browser mas seguro que hay hasta el momento. Pero Flock tiene todo lo de Firefox y algo mas ;)

Si ustedes como yo usan blogger, flickr y este browser les va a encantar. Tiene todos esos servicios integrados en el browser asi que todo esos servicios estan a disposicion con solo un click.

Ya se que sueno como vendedor pero la verdad que este browser esta muy bueno ;)

Friday, June 09, 2006

¡Si se puede!

Después de una larga espera finalmente el mundial esta a solo unas cuantas horas de empezar. Ahorita son las 3:00 de la mañana y a las 9:15 a.m. tiempo central de los estados unidos será la inauguración de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol. Después de tanto entrenamiento, tanto tiempo estando en concertación y de tantos (demasiados digo yo) dimes y diretes la Selección Nacional de México podrá mostrar de lo que esta hecha. Ahora hay que olvidar todo lo malo, todos los corajes que nos ha hecho pasar el Director Técnico y apoyar a nuestra selección.
Disfruten Amigos y Amigas.

Arriba xico!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 05, 2006

Girl Scouts - River Trails 273

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Shaylee bridged from Brownie to Junior Girl Scout.
She enjoys scouting and all the activies she gets to do with the troop. Her cousin, Makayla, held the flag in the ceremony. Shaylee and the other new Juniors went to Valley Fair for the day. She had fun even though she got sun burned.