Relay for Life is a great fund raising activity for the American Cancer Society. As an Oncology nurse, I am passionate about raising money for the research needed to obliterate cancer. My unit at work has been participating at the Relay since I started there 7 years ago. I have been captain/ co-captain 5 of those years. One of our fund raisers is the raffling off of baskets. The baskets are put together and donated by staff members on my unit. All the proceeds for the raffle tickets go to the American Cancer Society. I will continue to participate in the Relay for Life in some form until I am no longer physically able or cancer has a cure. Every dollar and cent counts. I encourage anyone who has been touched by cancer either personally, loved one, or close friend, to do what they can to support cancer awareness and research. Support comes in many forms. One can donate money by donation or something fun like the basket raffles. One can volunteer at activities like the Relay or Cancer Survivor Day. Actions as simple as encouraging awareness and detection can be a great form of support. So I challenge everyone to find some way to support cancer research. If you would like to buy raffle tickets from me and my team, please contact me. Thank you. Charli Lopez (Hugo's wife)
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