Thursday, April 20, 2006

FIFA Rankings The Official web site of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FIFA has posted the new ranks and Mexico is 6th place. One up from last time.
Here are the top 10 according to FIFA:
  1. Brazil (no surprise)
  2. Czech Republic (never seen them play)
  3. Netherlands (hmm)
  4. USA (What!)
  5. Spain (they are OK, I guess)
  6. Mexico (si se puede, si se puede)
  7. France (no comments)
  8. Portugal (tied with Argentina)
  9. Argentina ( are you serious? I'd say USA 9th and Arg 4th)
  10. England (haha)
Well, there are the new rankings. I still can't believe the USA is 4th and Argentina 8th almost 9th. We will see in 50 days.


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