Wednesday, April 22, 2009

30 pounds - 10 months - 1 vacation

Originally uploaded by Hugo y Charli
I have ten months until my husband and I finally go on our belated "honeymoon" to La Isla Mujeres. I have gained a lot of weight in the past year and a half due to our stressful lives. Things have calmed down and will hopefully stay that way. I need to lose 30 pound by next February so I can look better and actually wear clothes that fit. I bought a new treadmill and hope to use it consistently. I hate dieting because cooking and eating are my two favorite things to do. I am just disgusted with myself and want to look and feel better. I hope I can stay dedicated to my quest and be victorious when Feb 2010 arrives. Here I go...

Here is a dress I bought as incentive to lose weight. I hope to wear it at La Isla


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